Pricing and Availability

Pricing and Availability

We, at Olde Dobbin Station, want to make your full experience as easy as possible. That is why we allow for online deposit payments and for YOU to have the ability to book the venue online so that you can do it at your ease and convenience. If you have ANY questions in the process or need help please call Kristen at 936-828-0790. Please also note that Olde Dobbin Station only does one event per day and your rental includes the full facility grounds.

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Book Now

Select your date on the calendar and fill the information below to secure your date. You will receive a confirmation email once your date is booked.

Cost of Booking: $0.00

Bride/Groom Full Name (required; hereinafter referred to in this Contract as “Client”):

Bride/Groom Full Name (required; hereinafter referred to in this Contract as “Client”):




City (required):

State (required):

Zip code (required):

Tour By:

Guest Count:

Terms and Conditions

There are NO refunds on deposits made to Olde Dobbin Station for any reason whatsoever. By signing this contract, Client agrees that the deposit is non-refundable.
In exchange for payment of the Rental Fee, Client is entitled utilize the Olde Dobbin Station “Facility” for Client’s Event, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract. For purposes of this Contract, the Facility includes of the Reception Hall, the Primary Waiting/Changing facility, Secondary Waiting/Changing Facility, Indoor Chapel, and certain designated outdoor areas on Client’s selected date. If the Client requires use of any additional buildings not included in the definition of “Facility”, Client must request use of these additional facilities in writing and obtain permission from Old Dobbin Station in advance of the date of the Event.

Rental Agreement The Rental of the Facility includes one Reception Hall, one Main Waiting/Changing facility, one Secondary Waiting/Changing facility, us of the Indoor chapel for ceremonies only, and all rights for use of the outdoor area within contract limitations.

Terms of Agreement Client hereby agrees to and will abide by all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. In the event Client fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Olde Dobbin Station retains the right to immediately terminate this Agreement, with or without advance notification to Client. In the event this Agreement is terminated due to Client’s violation of a term or condition of the Agreement, Client will not be entitled to any refund of any of the Rental Fee.

General Facility Use: Client will abide by the following Facility regulations, and will cause its vendors, agents, guests and invitees (the “Client’s Parties”) to do the same. Client accepts fully responsibility for any violation of this Agreement by any of Client’s Parties.
  • a. Client and Client’s Parties must obey all applicable State and Local laws and ordinances;
  • b. All motorized vehicles of any kind must be parked in the designated parking location.
  • c. In the event Client elects to conduct any aspect of Client’s Event in any of the Facility’s outdoor areas or the Facility’s outdoor wedding venue, Client agrees and acknowledges Olde Dobbin Station is NOT responsible for ANY disruptions due to trains or other interruptions outside the control of Olde Dobbin Station. Client acknowledges Client has been advised of the risk/possibility of interruptions of any outdoor activity due to train or other vehicular activity and fully accepts this risk.
  • d. Client acknowledges Olde Dobbin Station is not responsible for rain or any other adverse weather events that may occur on Client’s Event date and accepts the risk of rain or adverse weather on the Event Date. In the event Client’s Event activities must be altered or cancelled due to rain or any other adverse weather event, Client specifically and expressly agrees Client will not be entitled to, and will not receive, any refund of any portion of the Rental Fee.
  • e. Client agrees there will be no use of confetti (or any similar forms), sand, hay or glitter in any of the indoor portions of the Facility. These items are also not allowed outside to be thrown or spread. This also excludes Flower petals to be thrown for exit/photos.
  • f. Client agrees smoking, vaping and/or use of any tobacco products is strictly prohibited inside any of the Facility’s structures or enclosures, or within 50 feet of any of the Facility buildings. In the event Client elects to permit Client’s guests to smoke, Client must provide ash trays and is responsible to clean up any trash or used smoking materials following the Event. Failure to clean up used smoking materials or trash will result in forfeit of Client’s security deposit.
  • g. Client agrees no pets are permitted anywhere within the Facility or dressing quarters. Pets for a ceremony only would have to be approved by Olde Dobbin Station.
  • h. Client agrees no crayons/markers for children's tables are permitted
  • i. Client agrees neither Client nor Client’s Parties are permitted to utilize ladders anywhere in the Facility unless Client’s Party is a vendor who is bonded and insured.
  • j. Client agrees no decorations or extra items are allowed to be hung from the rafters or lanterns on the interior of the Facilities Reception Hall.
  • k. Client agrees nothing is permitted to be attached to any of the walls inside the Reception Hall.
  • l. Client agrees that a vendor that is bonded and insured are the only people allowed to hang lights or drapes from the rafters in the indoor chapel only with approval from Olde Dobbin Station.
  • m. Sparklers will be permitted outside as long as there are no fire bans in effect and the sparklers are less than 26 inches in length from top to bottom.
  • n. Client aggress that none of the custom-made wooden doors can be propped open for any reason. Main wooden doors to Reception hall are not for load in of any kind
  • o. Client aggress that they will hire an insured coordinator with their own accredited company to be onsite for the duration of the event, to include ceremony through the exit at minimum. Coordinator will submit timeline and proof of insurance to the venue within 14 days of the event.
  • p. Client Agrees no children are to be left unattended. Client will be responsible for any damages caused by unattended children. Children are not allowed outside unattended for any reason.
  • q. Client aggrees if doing a South Asian Ceremony Event, that guest count will not be above 300 max to accomodate for the neccessary catering, stage , and presentation space needed .
  • r. All vendors client elects to utilize for Client’s event must contact Olde Dobbin Station’s office to thirty (30) days prior to the event, provide proof of liability insurance any all necessary certifications at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of Client’s Event.

ACCESS: Client’s access to the Facility on the Event Date begins at 8:00 a.m. CST and ends at 1:00 a.m. the following morning unless agreed upon in advance with Olde Dobbin Station. Early entry into the Facility must be arranged at least thirty (30) days in advance at Olde Dobbin Station’s sole discretion. If Olde Dobbin Station has provided consent for early entry into the Facility, Client will be notified no earlier than the MONDAY prior to the Event Date. There is no need to call our office; we will let you know at that time. Extra decorating days will ONLY be permitted if there is NO other event scheduled. Olde Dobbin Station can not confirm use of facility the day before your event until 14 days prior. This time will only be for decorating; any other type of event hosting will not be permitted without full Facility rental. Client’s event must end by 1 A.M. on the Rental Date and Client and all Client’s guests, vendors and other Client Parties must have completely vacated the Facility premises no later than 1:00 A.M. If any Client, Client’s guests or Client’s Parties do not timely vacate the Facility, Client will pay to Olde Dobbin Station the agreed Additional Rental Fine the amount of $20.00 per minute for every minute past 1:00 a.m. and be subject to trespassing charges, that Client, Client’s guests or Client’s Parties remain anywhere on the Facility’s premises. Client's vendors agree to arrive within one hour of the client's event end time to pick up any remaining items. Bridal portraits, if desired by the Client to be taken at the facility, will need to be arranged thru the Venue Owner or General Manager. These will have to be taken while the venue is not in use for any other Event and at a time agreed upon by Olde Dobbin Station. Additionally, Olde Dobbin Station retains the exclusive and unrestricted right to cancel any previously scheduled portrait dates and reschedule this date.

FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Olde Dobbin Station does NOT provide any catering materials or equipment, including but NOT limited to: pots, pans, ice, cups, utensils, plates, dishes of any kind, napkins, etc. Olde Dobbin Station will only provide one serving table, a preparation sink and a refrigerator for catering purposes. All set up of Olde Dobbin Station supplied chairs and tables for seating will be handled by Olde Dobbin Station, if floorplan and proper requested documents are received fourteen (14) days in advance from Client. Olde Dobbin Station staff will only set the requested seating once, and any changes would be the Clients responsibility. Olde Dobbin Station will provide seating for 600 (which consists of 40 60" round white tables, 30 8' rectangular tables, 300 white folding chairs and 300 white Chiavari Chairs with white cushions) if requested at least fourteen (14) days in advance by Client. The assembly, and set-up, of these items will be the sole responsibility of the Client if not received prior to the requested fourteen (14) days in advance. Client is not responsible for any take-down or disassembly of the venue provided tables and chairs at the conclusion of the event. Olde Dobbin Station does NOT provide foliage of any kind and is not responsible for the moving of any type of foliage.

Client and Client’s Parties are solely RESPONSIBLE for any and all personal property belonging thereto that is brought to the Facility. Olde Dobbin Station, its agents, employees and owners as well as its insurers are NOT liable for any damages to or loss of the property belonging to Client, Client’s vendors and/or Client’s Parties, even if it is proven the loss or damage resulted from the negligence or fault of Olde Dobbin Station or its agents, employees or owners. All Client’s property must be removed from the Facility no later than 1:00 a.m. of the morning following Event Date (in other words, immediately following the event but, in no event, later than 1:00 a.m. after the event); any of Client’s property that is not removed by that time may, at the election of Olde Dobbin Station, be removed or discarded by Olde Dobbin Station for which there is no recourse against Olde Dobbin Station by Client, Client’s Parties or Client’s vendors. The removal of any property belonging to Client, Client’s Parties or Client’s vendors will be removed and disposed of at Client’s sole cost and expense. A cleanup crew will be provided by the Olde Dobbin Station to handle the breakdown of Olde Dobbin Station provided tables and chairs and trash removal.The cost of reasonable and customary cleanup service is included in the Rental Fee Olde Dobbin Station staff is not responsible for bussing tables, and that will be something the Client needs to arrange prior. Client is required to have bussing services throughout the entirety of the event to maintain all food and beverage trash. If the client does not have proper bussing services through the caterer or additional hired company, a $1000 fee will be charged automatically.

Licensee and the Licensee Parties are RESPONSIBLE for any and all personal property belonging thereto that is brought to the Facility (the “Licensee Property”). Licensor and its insurers will NOT be liable for any damages or loss to the Licensee Property. All Licensee Property must be removed from the Facility by midnight on the Rental Date; any Licensee Property not so removed may, at the election of Licensor, become the property of Licensor, or Licensor may elect to have the Licensee Property removed and disposed of at Licensee’s sole cost and expense. All trash will need to be bagged by the Licensee and placed by the front doors. A cleanup crew will be provided by the Licensor, which is provided as part of the rental fee.

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Any and all alcoholic beverages (including but not limited to beer, wine, and liquor) must be purchased through the Olde Dobbin Station. Neither Client nor any vendors or guests of Client are permitted to bring in or remove from Olde Dobbin Station any alcoholic beverages. Olde Dobbin Station is a licensed provider regulated by TABC and must prohibit any alcoholic beverage not dispensed by it to be brought to or from the Olde Dobbin Station premises. In the event Client or any vendors or guests of Client are found to have brought outside alcohol onto the premises of Olde Dobbin Station, Old Dobbin Station reserves the right to immediately discontinue all alcohol service for Client’s event and/or immediately end Client’s event. Additionally, in the event outside alcoholic beverages are brought onto Olde Dobbin Station’s premises, Client will forfeit Client’s security deposit in full and be responsible for any assessed fines. Olde Dobbin Station will have beer, wine and liquor packages available for purchase by Client. Beer, wine and liquor are NOT included in, and are in addition to, the Facility Rental Fee. Bar service and security will be provided by the Olde Dobbin Station in the event an alcoholic package is purchased. Only employees and contractors of Olde Dobbin Station are permitted to dispense any alcoholic beverage on the Olde Dobbin Station premises. In the event Client elects to purchase a beer, wine or alcohol package, Olde Dobbin Station will charge an additional fee of $950, which includes but is not necessarily limited to: bartenders (up to 3, final determination on number is decided once the size of the wedding is assessed and the type of beer, wine or alcohol package Client selects for the Event) security and bar supplies including plasticware, basic garnishes, straws, and napkins. If an alcohol package is purchased by Client, mixers and all sodas are also included in the package price until the beer, wine and/or alcohol purchased by Client in the package has been consumed. If Client elects to utilize a “cash bar” , sodas are not complimentary and will also be available for a charge. The beer, wine and alcohol purchase agreement and order form MUST be completed and submitted by the Client no later than fourteen (14) days in advance of the Event date. The order form and the contract may be downloaded from: No one under the age of twenty-one (21) years of age will be served or allowed to consume alcohol on the property. Service of beer, wine and alcohol ends, without exception, at midnight. Alcohol rates are subject to change based on current market pricing and sales tax.

SUPERVISION: Client understands and acknowledges that Olde Dobbin Station does not and will not provide supervision regarding Client’s use of the Facility. Client agrees that it is Client’s sole responsibility to provide adult supervision for any and all guests of Client’s Event. Olde Dobbin Station does NOT provide medical staff or medical coverage to or for the Client, Client’s guests, Client’s Parties or Client’s vendors.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY: Client, by signing this agreement, hereby agrees and promises to RELEASE, DEFEND and HOLD HARMLESS Olde Dobbin Station, its owners, agents, employees, contractors and any other entity or person acting on behalf of them from any and all damages, claims, losses, injuries to persons or to property, or other costs and expenses incurred in connection with or caused by Client’s use of the Facility, whether or not related to the consumption or service of alcoholic beverages, whether or not related to or caused by any defect in any building, structure, equipment, furniture or other component of the facility, and/or whether or not such damage, claim, loss, injury (including death) is caused or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence of Olde Dobbin Station, its owners, agents, employees, contractors and or any other entity or person acting on their behalf. Client hereby waives releases any and all such claims on behalf of Client, Client’s Parties and Client’s vendors.

RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE: Client agrees Client is strictly responsible for any damage to the Facility, its fixtures and/or equipment which occurs on the rental date, is caused by Client, Client’s guests, Client’s Parties and/or Client’s vendors, or otherwise results from Client’s use of the Facility.

FEES AND DEPOSITS: A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of 25% of the Facility Rental Charge (“Deposit”) is due upon execution of this Agreement. Until the payment of the Deposit is received by Olde Dobbin Station, Client’s selected Event date is NOT RESERVED.

The next 25% NON-REFUNDABLE payment is due six (6) months prior to the Event Date, or at the date of booking, whichever is earlier, as more specifically set forth below.

The next 25% NON-REFUNDABLE payment is due three (3) months prior to the Event Date, or at the date of booking, whichever is earlier, as more specifically provided below.Processing Fee for credit card when applicable.

Final payment of the balance of the Facility Rental Fee and any other associated charges must be made no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Event Date, as more specifically provided below.

The Deposit and all payments are due on or before the 3rd day of the month in which they are due.

An additional security deposit of $1000 is required by the clients event date. The security deposit is in the form of a check, and will be refunded to Client following the Event and after a satisfactory inspection of the Facility by Olde Dobbin Station. In the event of damage to the Facility, its fixtures or equipment is identified, the cost to repair same will be deducted from the security deposit and the balance shall be refunded to Client. In the event the cost to repair the damage exceeds the security deposit, Client will be billed for such damages and will be responsible for payment of the cost of repairs within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice for the damages.

All amounts paid to Licensee are NON-REFUNDABLE except in the limited instances of: (1) the death of the bride or groom; (2) the unplanned military deployment of the bride or groom; or, (3) damage to the Facility that cannot be repaired in time for the Event and prevents the Facility from being utilized for the Event. Note, since the Reception Facility has a standby generator and is capable of fully operating in the event of a power outage, power outage or storm is not an event that will result in a refund. It is Client’s responsibility to make all payments on time. Failure of Client to deliver any scheduled payment on or before the due date specified in this Agreement will result in forfeiture of all previous payments, the Event date reservation, and the right to use the Facility.

All non-refundable payments are NOT transferable to another date. All payments must be made online through ( or via a written check made payable to Olde DobbinStation, LLC and mailed to: P.O. Box 1244 Montgomery,TX 77356

A charge of $50 will be assessed for any check returned for insufficient funds and will result in a missed payment that could result in loss of all previous payments and cancellation of the Event reservation. Processing fees apply when applicable. This Agreement will be subject to and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Any dispute arising out this agreement shall be subject to binding arbitration conducted the American Arbitration Association. All costs of arbitration, including but not limited to attorney’s fees and arbitration expenses, shall be the sole expense of the prevailing party. This Agreement may not be assigned by Client without the express written consent of Olde Dobbin Station and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement may only be amended by a written amendment signed by both Client and Olde Dobbin Station. Client agrees that a faxed or scanned and emailed pdf signature will be binding on any party so signing.

By typing "I agree", you accept the terms and conditions.

I certify that I am an authorized representative of Licensee, that I am authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Licensee, and that I agree to, understand, and will abide by the terms set forth herein. This Agreement will be subject to and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. This Agreement may not be assigned by Licensee without the express written consent of Licensor. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter addressed herein, and may only be amended by written agreement executed by Licensee and Licensor. In any instance herein in which the consent or election of Licensor is required, such consent or election may be made or withheld in Licensor’s sole and absolute discretion. Faxed or scanned and emailed pdf signatures will be binding on any party so signing.